Mae Ynysoedd Prydain ac Iwerddon yn gartref i rinweddau daearegol hynod ddiddorol sy’n cynnwys y creigiau hynaf cyn-Gambriaidd a’r dyddodion mwy diweddar Cwarternaidd. Fel rhan o wythnos Gwyddorau’r Ddaear 2014, mae’r Gymdeithas Ddaearegol a’u partneriaid yn dathlu’r treftadaeth ddaearegol unigryw yma drwy lawnsio rhestr o 100 safle daearegol gwych sydd i’w cael yn Ynysoedd Prydain ac Iwerddon.
Fel mae llawer ohonoch yn gwybod, Mae Cwm Idwal yn un o’r safleoedd daearegol gwych yma, os nad y gorau, sy’n agored i’r cyhoedd.
Os hoffech chi weld Cwm Idwal ar frig y rhestr hon, mae cyfle i chi ei enwebu drwy yrru llun neu eiriau brwdfrydig i’r Gymdeithas Ddaearegol. Maent yn derbyn enwebiadau drwy Trydar gan ddefnyddio #100geosites , facebook neu drwy yrru ebost i
Enwebwch heddiw i ni gael Cwm Idwal i’w safle haeddiannol ar frig y rhestr!
Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i:
The British Isles and Ireland are home to many diverse geological features including the oldest pre-Cambrian rocks to the more recent Quarternary sediments. As part of Earth Science Week 2014 the Geological Society and their partners are celebrating the diverse and rich geological heritage by launching a list of 100 great geolocial sites that are found in the British Isles and Ireland.
As many of you know, Cwm Idwal is one of these great, if not the greatest, geological places that can be accessed by the public
If you would like to see Cwm Idwal reach the top of the list, there is a chance for you to nominate it through sending a picture or some enthusiastic words to the Geological Society. They accept nominations through Twitter #100geosites, facebook, and through email:
Nominate Cwm Idwal today so we can get it’s deserved place on top of the list!
For more information go to: